a whole month and i can hardly believe it. this little girl is such a sweet baby and we all adore her around here. she is definitely growing like a weed and we just love to cuddle with her. we haven't officially given her a nickname but pressers and sweet p have seemed to be common.
she is a great baby. i am just waiting until i get a crabby baby, but haven't yet. maybe i am in TROUBLE in their teenage years...oh boy!
she sleeps like a champ. she goes down between 9-10 and will sleep until 3. then wont wake up until 7 to eat again. she loves to eat. she is getting big and i love/hate it all at the same time. i love my little bitty's, but i love every age too! she is moving into 0-3 month clothes now and out of the newborn ones...
she is sooooo cuddly! she loves to lay with her daddy! she loves to be held and doesn't love to be put down. she is seriously such a love!!! we love you sweet p!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE her big blue eyes!!
She is PRECIOUS!!! I can't believe how small she is next to those dolls. Lol
she is so dang cute!
i still can't get over all her hair! i love it. :)
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