April 30, 2010


{title comes from what mylie calls it...}

Today was a VERY exciting day in the Mann Home....Chris graduated from College. I could not be more proud of him. He worked so hard to get here and even though it took a LONG time, he WORKED FULL TIME, was an AMAZING DADDY, had a lot of responsibilities with CALLINGS, AND went to school FULL TIME... Now that is impressive. We Love you Daddy! Happy days now we can have you home a {little} bit more. :)

We started the day at UVU at 9:30 am for the Commencement...Kinda blurry, but here are Chris and Brady Duncan...they graduated together.

(Troopers that came to the convocation, Nancy, Brandon Sharon & Caden, Corey, Skyler, Me & the Kiddos.)

After Commencement came Convocation. Chris graduated in Community Health with a concentration in Health Services Administration and a minor in Business Management!
(Troops at the Convocation: Nancy, Grandma & Grandpa Mann, Jenn, Anthony, Brandon, Sharon, Caden, Corey, Skyler, Gessel, Kailee, Dave, Karlie, Me & the Kiddos.)

After the Convocation...We took a Billion pictures! Sorry you don't have to look, but it was fun!

And after all that....well we decided to go over to the Presidents Reception to get pictures with Matty and Paige, I mean President Matt Holland and his wife Paige. :)

Still going....after that we went to dinner to Texas Roadhouse with Everyone who lasted the ENTIRE day... :). Thanks for all the support and love that was shown to our family that day, we love you all!

April 22, 2010

9 months

is my baby really 9 months old. how come 9 months of pregnancy drags horribly and then the first 9 months of their lives fly by. we have been so blessed to have shay in our family. she is such a sweet girl and loves to smile at everyone. she definitely keeps our house happy and smiling with her.

shay has such a fun personality and it is starting to show more and more. she now babbles all the time but I can make out "mama" and "baba". the ironic thing about baba is, she has never taken one so it is still just mumbling.

shay is getting so big, and decided to start crawling right on the 9 month mark...to the day. she is so stinkin cute. she is definitely a mamas girl and always wants to be held. i love it though.

she is not a sleeper like mylie. she still wakes up at 5 or 6 to eat, but likes to go to bed at 7:30. she still nurses 3 times a day and still won't have anything to do with sippy's or bottles. so the doc suggested just straight cups.

her 9 months stats:
Weight: 17 lbs * 18%
Hieght: 27.5 in * 48%

April 21, 2010


well as many of you know, we took mylie in to get her hair cut a couple months ago...and it turned into the haircut HORROR!!! (Read Here) so anyway, i decided to schedule it with mine and take her to SLC to have it done by my cousin courtney who i trust completely.
so that is exactly what we did. we scheduled it and dropped shay off with rachel and alivia, and headed for our girls day in SL. mylie did so good the whole time and i was so proud of her.
when it came time for her turn, she was a little nervous at first, but totally warmed up to the idea and had so much fun showing off for everyone. we cut almost a full 2 inches off...every single person who walked past her had to stop and comment about how cute she was... i already knew that:)

it was really fun to just spend a day with mylie all by ourselves. we should try and do it a little more because she felt totally special. her hair turned out SUPER cute and no more mullet. she has a cute little bob. i love you little mylie moo!
waiting for her turn...the before...

*When we got up to leave the salon, Mylie leaned over and loud enough for everyone to hear so says, "mom, you did so good I think you deserve a treat!"

April 20, 2010

Ready....Steady.....UP, UP, UP!!!

Shaylie is so much fun! I absolutely LOVE this age. So many milestones for her. Last week she said MAMA!!! WAHOO!!! She has also decided that she no longer likes to sit still. She is a mover and a shaker. Well the other day she decided that she wanted to attempt to go from sitting on her bum to her tummy. Well after several failed attempts, she mastered it without diving onto her face. Well after a day, she was not impressed with that and wanted more. So in her attempt to make it up on her knees, she went for it all...



UP, UP, UP!!!!!!!
Back View
I call this the push up. It is so funny. I love it. She is so close to crawling. Only a couple days or so and she will be off.

*Just as I clicked Publish Post, I turned to see my little Shaylie army crawling into the office.... So many a couple hours or so.... :)

April 17, 2010


I know, I am behind once again, but I was going to wait to post about Easter until I got a picture of my girls in their dresses together, but since that might not happen for a while I will just get on it and start my post. They have worn their dresses a couple of time now to church, but I get them ready and run out the door to church and then they are so tired when we get home there is no way we are going to take pictures. Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL easter. We enjoyed the whole weekend and definitely packed as much in as we could. Saturday, Chris took Mylie to Krispy Kreme before conference started to get some yummy donuts.

In between sessions, we were invited to go to my sister in laws and have an easter egg hunt. It was amazing!!! There were oodles of eggs and the kids had so much fun! Mylie totally understood this year what she was supposed to do and got her hands on as many as she could.

Sunday morning, we went to Karlie and Dave's for a yummy Easter Breakfast. We had all the family there that lives in town. Brian and Mary were headed to Texas that day and so they were only able to come for a little while and then they took off. Every time Mylie is around her Aunt Kailee, she has to get her nails painted. Lucky for us, Kailee is always prepared with multiple colors in her purse for Mylie to choose from.

Sunday afternoon we had a neighborhood egg hunt. Mylie was a pro from the day before and was not messing around with gathering her eggs. :) We have such a fun neighborhood and Mylie loves her friends. Shay was not in attendance here, she was sleeping.Etta and Mylie

The Whole Gang

After all this commotion, Mylie finally found her basket from the Easter Bunny. After we headed to watch the final session of conference with the Mann Fam. Mylie sat in front of Grammy's computer and watched her new movies. After conference, we colored eggs and My's was in heaven. She was having so much fun. It was such a wonderful weekend and it was even better that conference was on and was a great reminder for the true meaning of Easter.