March 30, 2010

SiLlY mYliE

with all the birthday celebrations and everything, I have neglected a mucho importante post. my sweet lovable mylie turned 2 1/2!!! AAAHHH! i almost can't believe it! i don't know how this could have slipped my mind, because her half birthday is on my actual birthday...ooooppppsss! well a little about mylie. she is sure a smarty pants. she knows all her ABC's and knows what sound each one makes. i can't believe the things that she comes up with. she talks so well. in fact she talks about all day long. people don't get to hear it because she gets embarrassed and starts talking baby talk. she loves her little sister. she always wants to hold her and give her loves. she LOVES nursery. she loves playing with her friends. she is soooooooooooo independent now. she says her own prayers now and they are short and sweet. she still has an awesome mullet....please go away soon. she has a cute little it. she is all girl...and loves her nails painted, jewelry, and pretty shoes. we love mylie so much. she is such a sweetheart!

Cool Dude Glasses....

She wanted to put her own Lotion on...

She fell over on her chair watching TV and her fishies went EVERYWHERE!

Good thing she has her rail...

March 23, 2010

i love to see the temple

Last night we decided to take the girls to the temple to walk around for family night. we wanted to take some pictures and have a little picnic, but it was too darn cold. we listened to the song i love to see the temple all the way there and back. it was so much fun. i love hearing mylie sing primary songs and start to understand more about the gospel. she said that she wanted to go to the temple because heavenly father and jesus live there. :) i love her. oh and i can't forget, she said that gabba gabba was meeting us there too. :)

March 21, 2010

28 & 8 Months.......

well today my sweet husband turned 28 and my baby turned 8 months. i can't believe it. chris and i are getting closer and closer to 30!!!! AAAAHHHH that scares me a little. we had a whole fun weekend that didn't stop. friday, i took the girls to his work to have lunch with him. i had been planing to take in lunch for a while but it turned out to be the sales lunch and i just joined them. thanks fishbowl!!! then i had nancy, corey and skyler come and bring his actual gift... some of you may know that i love to give random gifts, and this year was no different....i got chris (and bryan) a mini fridge for their office. he/they were super excited. so the boys carried it up and nancy and the boys bought the food to stock it. it was fun.

that night after chris got home, our friends called and asked us to go stay at a cabin with them for the night. we jumped in the car and headed out. it was up above sundance and was BEAUTIFUL!!! right out the balcony was the sundance ski slopes and we watch the skiers forever. it gave me a new desire to get back on the old board...or skies again. someday!!! we had a lot of fun with our friends. Thanks again!!

saturday was his actual birthday and we got up, had a yummy pancake breakfast, took the kids out sledding, and headed for home. we lounged for a lot of the day and then dropped the kids off and went to P.F. Changs for dinner. then i made some snacks and we headed for the clubhouse and watch the BYU game. GO COUGARS!!! it was a great effort!

now for my baby baby..... oooooohhhhhh how i love to squeeze this little girl. she is sooooo beautiful! shay is now turning into a little girl. not so much a baby anymore. she is a little love. she has not stopped smiling since the day she was born. she is now rolling over both ways. she can't get enough baby food, she started on stage 2 but loves the stage 3. she is growing so big and already wearing a lot of 12 month clothes and some 12 - 18 month. she still only has 2 teeth. she is still nursing very well. she does not like sippy cups, bottles, or straws. she loves to hear music. she gets so excited to see her sister. when we go in to get her up in the morning she is all smiles for me and all squeals for mylie. she still naps 3 times a day. she is starting to sleep from 9 to 7 without waking up. she has started to dive for things. when she is in sitting position, she bends her knees and dives for what she wants. she loves her toothbrush. and don't ever take the remote away from her. she loves to snack. she loves to clap when anyone says yeah. she can still sleep anywhere. we love our sweet shaylie babes.

March 11, 2010

sO aNnoYiNg!!!

Well we have finally decided to take our blog private! We will be changing in the next if you want to come with us....anyone....we really don't mind....

I have changed the settings so people can't see the comments until I post them, so if you want an invite you can just leave it in the comments section and it will never be published!

I hate private blogs....but I gotta do what is best for my kiddos.

March 2, 2010


saturday we decided to head up to the cabin for some sledding, games, and relaxing. we had so much fun, until i didn't get any sleep. i started to feel stuffy and yucky and all night i just tossed and turned. but we still had so much fun, eating and eating and eating, playing games, and watching the kids play in the snow. Mylie was so cute on the front of Chris' sled and she screamed the whole way down the hill. It was so cute. Mylie is finally at the age she is enjoying stuff like this. we also had our first scare with coming down from the cabin. it was super slick and i was in the car behind chris and my girls...he slid around a corner right into a snow bank. it was not bad, obviously because he just backed right out and continued on, but it was scary for me to watch. brian and mary came and let the boys play for a while in the snow as well. they had plans later that night so they didn't stay, but it was good to see them.

So much work!!!
Big Girl in her sleeping bag!