August 21, 2012

Lake Powell

We had a blast in Lake Powell!!

We were able to go down with my parents, my brother Brian and his family, and our little family.

The girls had a blast. Preslie was a trooper. She slept a lot, and loved the water. I never got a picture of her and I'm so sad. She was so cute floating in her floater.

Mylie jumped a cliff with me. Shay loved hangin in the water with her cousins. Mylie was content playing in the sand. Shay had a blast riding the wave runners. I tried to teach tanner how to ski! I got up in double skis and laughed so hard I almost fell. Mylie celebrated #5 while we were down there.  

We had fun laughing every night telling funny memories and creating new ones. I love my family.

5 months

I hope this doesn't become a regular thing just blogging once a month for my babies month checks.

We have had quite the month of August. We've been gone traveling all month long. Preslie has been a trooper she is the best baby I could ever ask for. She is the happiest most lovable baby ever. She is scooting all over the floor by lifting her bum with her feet and kicking off. She just started on solids and loves them. She has just discovered toys and always need something in her hands. She is adored by her sisters. She always has somebody playing with her or entertaining her around. There's never a dull moment around here.

We call her sweet P or just P. Sometimes we get fancy and call her swoopers.