Last night we decided to take the girls to the temple to walk around for family night. we wanted to take some pictures and have a little picnic, but it was too darn cold. we listened to the song i love to see the temple all the way there and back. it was so much fun. i love hearing mylie sing primary songs and start to understand more about the gospel. she said that she wanted to go to the temple because heavenly father and jesus live there. :) i love her. oh and i can't forget, she said that gabba gabba was meeting us there too. :)
You were right, your girls are getting so big! Not fair for them to grow up when I'm not there! I'm still trying to work a trip in, I'll keep ya posted!
Mylie is helping me change my sheets. she picks up Chris' pillow and says... "Wow, this smells like dads good morning breath."
Mom when is the resurrection? Don't know sweetie, only Heavenly Father does. Well why don't you ask him? He is pretty smart... yes he is Mylie!
me telling mylie to stop growing up... "I can't stop growing up, I'm starting to be a mom!"
Sad face in the "what's wrong My's?" "Mom, I have some bad bad news...its my boyfriend mom, he wanted to marry me, but decided to marry another girl..." -OH DEAR!
---Shaylie is running around the house in the nude...mylie says to her.."come over here shay so i can squeeze those cute little bum cheeks..."
---trying to count in the car and Shay is singing Happy Birthday at the top of her lungs... she turns to Shay and says "Will you please ZIP IT!!!"
---"mom, I am soooo sorry for breaking the arm off my polly pocket! are you mad at me?" "Kinda" "Oh good, that means not really!"
---"mom, so at school today these boys....." i totally zoned on her "mylie what did you say?" "mom, seriously i said it once and i did it loudly so you could hear so i'm not repeating myself."
---"mom, today at school we learned about surprises." "well what about them?" "oh don't you worry about that mom, you'll find out."
---"mylie you are a hoot!" "don't call me things that aren't true mom"
*Shaylie sayings we love*
fake crying by the window i ask, "Shay what's wrong?" she replies, "mom, i'm peeetend crying cuz my son died. it's ok mom, it's ok to die."
Shay had a headband on and I told her to not break it because it was Mylie's. She said "It's not even Mylies!" I told her it was and she looked at me and said "why are you even arguing mom?"
I asked shay if she had colored a coloring page that looked really nice. Her eyes lit up and she said "yeah mom!" I questioned her and asked "you really did?" she looked at me dumfounded and said "of course not mom!!!" Shay 1 Ashlie 0
7/2012 Laying with her in her bed she looks at me and says "okay mom you can go to bed now." I asked her "you don't want me to lay with you?" she replied "well you could, but you are laying on my arm!"
Shay whey are you not sleeping in your bed? Cuz mom, there are ladybugs in there tickling me!
* garred me (scared)
* mom im feeezing...
* i need to say a secret...
* faster daddy faster....
* relly relly fast...
---the other day she was outside playing with her friends and she was pulling Liam so hard his shirt was falling off... so we went inside for a time out and after she was done I went to talk to her about it and asked her why she had done that... she leaned forward and said "mom, its a secret."
pretty sure that is our favorite fhe ever...we do it a lot :)
You were right, your girls are getting so big! Not fair for them to grow up when I'm not there! I'm still trying to work a trip in, I'll keep ya posted!
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