thursday mom called and said "keep the day open and be at my house at 12:30, i have a sitter for you!" say what?!?!? i was giddy excited!!!!
so i arrived at 12:30 and my daddy was my trusty babysitter. love him!!
mom and i jumped in the car and just started driving. i was asking 100 questions and mom wasn't going to tell me anything.
so we pulled into this lovely spot for lunch....we even had a reservation!! boy did i feel special... plus it is soooooo yummy!!!!

we left soon after lunch to get to another appointment...
we walked into remedez for our appointment on our toes and i realized i was wearing skinny jeans that i couldn't pull up past my calf.... so we ran to gap and bought some pj's....... :)

after the most wonderful pedi, we hit the mall and just shopped. it was so much fun. i had some birthday money and a great fashion guru with me so i was set. we shopped our little hearts out. ps i was still in my pj pants due to not wanting to mess up my toes...
more than anything it was a wonderful day because i got to spend some much needed time with one of my bestest friends. we had such a fun day... we laughed, ate, got pampered, and shopped...what more could you want.
ThAnK yOu MoM & dAd!!!! I love you both!!!
That sounds so much fun! You have to tell me, how was the restaurant? That place calls to me... ;)
wow, what an amazing birthday week!!! Is it always that good? What restaurant is that?
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