We had a little birthday party with Shay a couple days before her birthday because we were leaving to Bear Lake the day after her actual birthday. We had so much fun! We love to party...so we all had a great time. Uncle Trav turned 31 the day after the party...so we celebrated for both of them. We started by swimming at Grammy and Papa Fitch's house and having Pizza. Then we opened presents, Shay devoured her cake that Auntie Jo Jo and I made, and then went swimming some more. Thanks to all that came and the wonderful gifts...Shay is one LOVED girl!
11 months ago
Looks like you guys had tons of fun!! Your girls are so stinkin' cute!!
Looks like everyone, especially the birthday kids, were having a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Shay!!!
Yes of course you can order a kit from my super saturday crafts! what is it that you are wanting? i just sent you an email in case you get this comment first! your baby is SOOOO cute! p.s. do you love your chicco stroller/car seat? that is the brand i was thinking of going with...
I can't believe she's one! This is getting bad I think I've seen her maybe a couple times since she's been born.. We really need to get together more! Love the pics looks like she had a fun B day:)
Happy B-day Shay Shay! We miss you tons! We wish we could have gone to your b-day party!
Wow! Crazy how fast they grow. She looks so much like Mylie! The cake is so cute!
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