We went to summerfest again this year....Why is it that it rains EVERY YEAR!!! Well as far as tradition goes...it not only rained....IT POURED!!! We packed the kids up, and made sure they were going to be VERY warm and headed out. Just as we unloaded the car, we got to the site where we were sitting for the parade and it started coming down. We took shelter under a tree to see if it would pass quickly. It got worse and worse and finally Chris decided to set up the easy up and have some more shelter. So we sat out the storm for about 20 minutes and it started to lighten up. After about an hour it stopped, got sunny, and we rushed over to the carnival to see how long it would last good weather. We stopped to get a year supply of Sunglasses...Thank your Sunglass Lady, went to eat The Original Bamboo Hut, I went to get a scone...IT WAS HUGE, then we took Mylie over to the carnival to ride some rides. She had a BLAST! The weather held up nicely for the whole evening. We watched the parade, stayed for the fireworks, and came home at 11:00. It was a LONG but very fun day!
11 months ago
Seriously, why does it rain every year at the Summerfest? We are counting down the days 'til we get to see you!!!
Man do we wish we could still come to Utah. We'd really love to see you and send some times with you guys. Summerfest looks so much fun.
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