Holy Smokes....Is Shay really nearing a year already?!?!? This time last go around I was getting ready to try for another baby....NOT A CHANCE this time around! I still can't believe that Shay is getting so big. She is almost 18 pounds. She is still the happiest baby around and very friendly too. She puts up with a lot from Mylie. She has 7 teeth, 4 on top, 3 on bottom. She is a good eater, but doesn't like baby food anymore. She wants whatever we are having. She has cut down on nursing and is down to 2 times a day. SHE WILL TAKE A BOTTLE NOW!!! WAHOO!!! She loves juice too. :) Her personality is so fun. She is not talking yet...Mama is about it still. She loves books. She is a super fast crawler. She loves toys and will play forever. She stands on furniture and walks around. She is a total Mama's Girl! She is growing up... We love Shay.
11 months ago
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