December 10, 2009

where have we been?

i will give you a hint....

(had to share this...girls rock on 2 year old panties...awesome!)

i love the saggy bum....
mylie LOVES wearing her big girl panties and looks so stinkin cute. we started Mylie 2 days before Thanksgiving and that day we just went cold turkey into panties and she had 3 pee pee accidents and not one accident since! she really took to it and she tells me when she needs to go potty now. i am loving not having to change her diapers... WOO HOO.....way to go Princess!


.l i c k t e e s. said...

cold turkey is the best!

way to go mylie :)

and fyi...cole is still wearing some 2t/3t undies. she'll probably be saggy bum'n those for years-so cute :)

Stacee said...

u don't know me..but my husband and your husband r cousins. Just wanted to comment about your post.. my 3 yr old is FINALLY potty trained too!! I now have no more kids in diapers...and I love it!! congrats on getting potty trained!!

Kinsey Pistorius said...

oh that is a glorious day - too bad it took us way longer than days to do it with Drew! :)

{love, mj.} said...

that is SO exciting! way to go!

Emily said...

Oh wow! That is so great!! Lucky you to not have to change her diapers anymore! How old is Mylie now? I have no idea when to start with Natalie... :)

The Mann Family said...

That's huge!!! Congrats!!! I LOVE the cute panties too :)

Nate and Melinda said...

They definitely didn't have cute panties like that when we trained our girls. So cute! What a big girl.

Katie B. said...

We just did the same thing, and isn't WONDERFUL??? Hey, I totally copied your background, you have good taste ;)

HaleyandGabe said...

thats awesome. I bought my bostyn some big girl panties just for fun
(i think she is too young still....) but she peed in them once and came and told me her "big girls broken" so dang funny! Well I am jealous, good job!