Well our sweet little baby girl Shaylie Mann was born yesterday at 3:28pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. She was born with a HEALTHY set of lungs and screamed for 2 hours straight....
So here is the story...If you don't want to read it, just skip this part and go straight to the pictures. We walked into the hospital on Monday morning at 7:00 am and got all hooked up and was put on pitocin by 7:30. I was on antibiotics and they wouldn't break my water until I had had the antibiotics for 4 hours. So when my Doctor came back in, it was 12:15. I was dilated to a 2 and when he broke my water I went immediatley to a 4. I was super excited because I was SURE that it was going to go fast from there. So my nurse said she would come back in 2 hours and check me again...
In the meantime, Karlie, Nancy, & Chris were all in the room with me and we were talking to my parents on Skype. Karlie and I were laughing hysterically at EVERYTHING, but mostly we were just having a good time with my mama. So the time went pretty quick, and my nurse came back in at 2:15 for my check...She told me I was still at a 4! I immediately went from the happiest person to a pretty down in the dumps girl... So the routine is....She'll come back in 2 more hours for another check. At 3:15, my nurse came in to change my antibiotic and I told her that I was filling a little pressure and maybe she could check me sooner. She kinda looked at me like I was crazy but agreed to at least check. I told her that if I had not changed, then don't tell me and just come back in an hour.
So she checked me and told me I was at a 2...She was just teasing....and then told me that I was at a 10. I figured that she was kidding again, and I asked her again what I was at. She assured me she was not kidding and went to get my doctor. I was dying. It went so quick we were scrambling getting cameras out and ready. My doctor arrived at 3:24 and on my first contraction I pushed a set out 3 and a 4th for good luck and Shaylie was out by 3:28. It was amazing!
So now that the story is over...here are the pictures...
11 months ago
Congrats! That is so fun. She is beautiful. Hope she sleeps good for you. :)
Yay! All the info I was waiting for=) Congrats. She is beautiful. Do you think she looks like Mylie at all? Can't wait to see her!
Congradulations!!!! She is so stinkin cute. I'm sure Mylie will get used to her soon. By the way, you look so amazing for someone who just delivered. I'm jealous!!!
I can see a touch of Mylie in her, but I can't figure out which part. Her mouth, maybe? She is a doll. I can't wait to meet her. Hope all is still going well. Love you guys.
totally LOVE her! she is so sweet and snuggly and i can't wait to hold her again!! the pics of her and mylie are too precious :)
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. I can't believe your story....WOW! You look great.
Congratulations and great work!!! You look amazing!!!
its funny because your story sounds so much like mine. I was reading that thinking holy crap this is my story, only mine was in the middle of the night not day, so everyone was sleeping. glad all went well she is adorable,
Congrats! You guys all look great!
Ash she is beautiful. No wonder you look so relaxed and great! I'm glad it went so well, and quick!!!! Congrats!!!!!
Oh my goodness! Cute pictures!! Ashlie you looked great before (way cute pregnancy picture) and still lookin great after!! Congratulations again, she is such a beautiful little baby! We love you Shaylie!
Hooray for FINALLY putting up a bump picture! You looked great, and even after going through labor you looked amazing! Lucky! Congratulations on cute little Shaylie...she is ADORABLE! I'm so glad you had skype so that we could kind of feel like we were there! I can't wait to meet her in real life though!!! We love you guys!
YEAH! Congrats you guys! She is so cute! Ashley, you look amazing! I'm glad everything went well. And P.S. I love Carly's hair.
So very cool girl she is so cute. Good luck with every thing...
Your blog is awesome...especially loved the picture of us on the computer, oh technology is sooooo great!!! The picture of Shaylie by herself is adorable!!!!! She looks so much like Mylie did as a newborn. Thanks again for Skyping us in for the whole event, we felt like we were there. Now I just have to wait until she is walking to hold her for the first time...sigh. Love and miss you all!!
congrats on your beautiful new addition! how fun to have two precious little girls. So excited for you both!!!
Congrats! I was thinking about you on Monday and heard all of the good news through Kar. I am glad everything went well and she looks beautiful. I'm glad Bob and Kathy were able to be there too!
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful and you look fantastic for just having had a baby! Mylie is also just and adorable little girl and that's so great that your parents were able to be 'there' for the delivery! LOL! I didn't even think of Sype! We'll have to try that with Justin's parents next time around! :)
Ash! You look beautiful, and so does little Shaylie! Man, our lives are pretty similar now :) Good luck!!!
Yeah! Congrats, Mann Family. She is beautiful. Oh, and seriously, no one should look that good after giving birth. You put the rest of us to shame. You look gorgeous! :)
She's gorgeous!!! And you look fantastic!! So cool that your parents could "be there" too!!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations you guys! What an amazing birth story too - can't belive she came out so fast! She's beautiful!
I am so happy for you and your beautiful family! How exciting for your parents to be there. . . .She is georgeous and I'm sure will bring you so much happiness.
Best Wishes and Congrats
Yay! So glad that she is finally here! What a cute family! she is so cute and you look wonderful! congrats!
Congrats guys!! What a cute family! Shaylie is adorable!!
Yea! So fun and so sweet. I wanna come see you guys!
Congratulations!! Your delivery story is awesome! I hope my second goes that smoothly! She is absolutely perfect- so so cute! Congrats again! I'm glad things are going well!
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