July 29, 2009
The first week...
Posted by the
4:31 PM
July 21, 2009
Well our sweet little baby girl Shaylie Mann was born yesterday at 3:28pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. She was born with a HEALTHY set of lungs and screamed for 2 hours straight....
So here is the story...If you don't want to read it, just skip this part and go straight to the pictures. We walked into the hospital on Monday morning at 7:00 am and got all hooked up and was put on pitocin by 7:30. I was on antibiotics and they wouldn't break my water until I had had the antibiotics for 4 hours. So when my Doctor came back in, it was 12:15. I was dilated to a 2 and when he broke my water I went immediatley to a 4. I was super excited because I was SURE that it was going to go fast from there. So my nurse said she would come back in 2 hours and check me again...
In the meantime, Karlie, Nancy, & Chris were all in the room with me and we were talking to my parents on Skype. Karlie and I were laughing hysterically at EVERYTHING, but mostly we were just having a good time with my mama. So the time went pretty quick, and my nurse came back in at 2:15 for my check...She told me I was still at a 4! I immediately went from the happiest person to a pretty down in the dumps girl... So the routine is....She'll come back in 2 more hours for another check. At 3:15, my nurse came in to change my antibiotic and I told her that I was filling a little pressure and maybe she could check me sooner. She kinda looked at me like I was crazy but agreed to at least check. I told her that if I had not changed, then don't tell me and just come back in an hour.
So she checked me and told me I was at a 2...She was just teasing....and then told me that I was at a 10. I figured that she was kidding again, and I asked her again what I was at. She assured me she was not kidding and went to get my doctor. I was dying. It went so quick we were scrambling getting cameras out and ready. My doctor arrived at 3:24 and on my first contraction I pushed a set out 3 and a 4th for good luck and Shaylie was out by 3:28. It was amazing!
So now that the story is over...here are the pictures...
Posted by the
1:41 PM
July 11, 2009
Independence Day!!!
We love the 4th of July...in fact, I am willing to say that it is my favorite holiday. I love to get up and go see the parade...fight the traffic, enjoy the heat 9 months pregnant, have family BBQ's, Swim, you know just everything that goes with the 4th. This year was no exception. Chris wasn't a fan of going to the parade because we were so TIRED from the BBQ and Boating trip from the day before. But we went and we all had a GREAT time. I even got a little emotional when the military families come by...Partly pregnancy but mostly from my mission. We stopped at my parents to get some chairs because our neighbors had borrowed ours and it worked out great because we got the easy-up shade and Chris was the HERO for bringing that. It rained a little on our parade...(haha) and so it came in handy with the sun and the rain. After we went to a family BBQ with the Mann's and had fun as usual. Then we came home to put Mylie down for a nap and we all crashed and were out for 3 hours. When we finally decided to get up...We were going to go hang out with Jenn and Grammy Mann for fireworks, so we gabbed a hot n' ready pizza and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Mylie was not a fan of the fireworks...it was Hilarious!
Posted by the
4:49 PM
July 6, 2009
3rd of July Festivities....
My's enjoying her cracker
Posted by the
2:02 PM