we had a fantastic christmas this year! the last couple years have really been stressful on me trying to figure out christmas and running around all crazy like trying to get stuff done and chris really helped me this year to just relax and enjoy christmas and that is exactly what we did. we were able to wake up at 9:00 and get all ready and then go get the kids up. mylie was not exactly pleased with having to wake up, even when we told her santa had come...she rolled away from us so we couldn't reach her and said "i don't want santa, i want to sleep." it is so much fun having a 2 1/2 year old...she keeps us laughing. but we were all very SURPRISED this year. i had no idea what to expect but chris always pulls through. mylie helped shay open all of her gifts too...she was having a blast with everything.
we then had uncle trav and his family over for some christmas breakfast. colston was sick so he and lindsey didn't come. we skyped grammy and papa fitch in argentina and had some christmas fun with them too.
we then went over and had christmas with grammy mann and everyone and those were good times too. grandpa mann came over and showed us his hand from burning it on the stove while helping grandma so nurse sharon came to the rescue with the diligent help from the best nurses assistant ever...ME! so that took quite a while and really we just hung out and enjoyed christmas while relaxing.
it was a great year looking back and we have been so blessed.