Well we are back from our fun filled weekend in Seattle. We went up to the BYU vs. Washington football game on Saturday. We dropped Mylie off to Grammy Friday night and went home to pack. We got up at 4:00 to get ready and head off to the airport. We arrived in Sea-Tac at 8:00, rented our car and drove up to the game. We arrived early, so we went to the Cougar Town party. Anyway, we had a great time at the game, with great seats. I forgot my camera in the car, so no pictures there...Bummer!!! After we won the AMAZING game, we headed to Bellevue for the much anticipated dinner at Maggianos!!! I HIGHLY recommend this FABULOUS restaurant. It was pricey...but SO WORTH IT! If you live in a big city, Vegas, Denver, Seattle, etc...they most likely have one. After we left there, stuffed to the brim, we went to the Mariners vs. Yankees game. It was so much fun. We sat in right-center field and Chris brought his glove to the game because he was determined to catch a home-run ball. Well sure enough Jason Giambi steps up to the plate and he was hitting left, so I turned to Chris and said "Get your mit, this is coming our way." Well I wasn't kidding, he hit a straight shot and it was headed straight for us, Chris jumped up, Got stuck trying to get over my legs, leaned over the guy in front of him and SMACK...the ball hit the inside of his glove bouncing off and landing behind the fence but out of our reach!!! It was so funny...We ALMOST had the homerun ball. We had a good time and a whole lot of laughs that day.
Sunday, we went to visit a couple people in Lacey and Olympia that I taught on my mission. It was fun to show Chris around and how beautiful the state of Washington really is.
Monday, we hit the Pike Place Farmers market. It was a blast. Ate at the yummy bakeries, smell the gross fish markets, but all in all we had a great time! It was a super fun trip and super fast. But we missed our little Mylie and couldn't wait to see her again.
11 months ago
I am glad you guys had a good trip! It sounded Awesome! I thought of you actually while we were watching the BYU game... Anyway, we need to hang out, and soon. It feels like its been forever!!
So fun!!! I'm glad you guys got to go and have a great weekend w/o My's too!
Hurray you updated your blog! Looks like you had fun, Washington looks beautiful! We had a good laugh when we heard about Chris and the ball!
Thanks for the pic of JETER!!! You know I'm jealous!!! Looks like so much fun!!!
How sad to be kicked off the family list:(
I was just teasing Ash! No harm no worries!
What a fun trip. Sorry you missed the homerun ball but at least you tried for it.
just thought i would say hello since we both know now we check eachother out occasionally...good to see you at the reception. by the way i'm jealous you got to a NYY game! i lived in NY and never even went WEIRD i know!! have a good day!
Looks like fun! We are so jealous! We need to get together again soon.
Thanks so much for coming to our house after the blessing! It was good to sit and visit with you. Looks like you guys had a fun trip. Did you know that Kendra is moving to Washington on Sept. 30th? Crazy huh! She will be much happier there though. And much closer:)
love the pics!!! your hot as always. bummed i missed you at jens baby blessing. but im in town for 2 weeks so im sure we will c each other!
Wow, what a fun trip!! Loved the ppictures. I can't believe how darling your new family picture is on your blog..I love it! Your baby girl looks like a big girl now! Craziness.
My friends the Lee's said they live by you guys and you guys are friends! Small world! Maybe next time we come visit, we'll come by and say hi. :)
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