No she isn't really walking, but she loves to walk with everything in sight. This last weekend we were at my parents house for Sunday Dinner, and she grabbed onto the stool and started pushing it around the house. It was so cute... She loves to walk with her new car toy as well... We are going to have a walker soon!!!
11 months ago
FOR REALS!! Hurray!
okay, I love the fact that she is walking in her fancy sandals and a diaper - hilariously adorable!!! :)
Is it weird that I totally don't recognize her without her flower headband? I don't think I've ever seen her without it!
Enjoy the non-walker while you can cause once they figure it out, it's all over!! :) She sure is cute. I love what you did with her tutu picture. adorable.
she looks super cute :) but i agree with jill...they aren't so little anymore when they start to walk so enjoy your little mylie time :) let's play soon.
me the new picture at the top-super cute! and did you get my 25% invite from gap? i don't remember which email i sent it to, but i need to re-send it if you didn't get it! we are planning a shopping day for aug 1 2 or 3.
Congrats on walking. Now here's where the real fun begins: trying to keep her out of things she's not supposed to be in. lol!
It was fun to see you guys the other night. I can't believe how fast she is growing! She just gets cuter and cuter!
dude your in for it!!! she is going to skip walking and just run!! lol Im glad i got to hang out with you hot mann girls for a bit at lunch!!! I love that lil mylie!!!!
no way!!! i cannot beleive that! but waht a freakin cutie she is! thats awesome.. im going to have a girls hang out day at my moms house around the 13th of sept. im going to le tyou kniow!
Hi cute is Mylee??!!! Glad to see you're having such a great summer!!! Hope to see you soon!!
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