Well my mom and I were asked to go to Denver for the week to babysit my two nephews while Todd and Heather went to Cali for a wedding. Mylie had such a great time with her cousins that she hasn't been around much. It was Mylie's first time flying and she did pretty good. My mom and I found our way around and had a blast! Thanks mom for all the fun we had!
11 months ago
WHat fun pics, she gets cuter every day!
Looks like fun! I love Mylie's new face. We sure missed you guys, hopefully we see you soon!
love the first picture of mylie! so cute! and is that hair i see on her head in some of the other pictures? :):) i'm glad you had fun in denver...now that you're back, we're going to play again!
I did't even know you were going to denver...We are going there next weekend. Nick is putting in a bathroom for his sister...I don'tthink she is in Denver...but somewhere around there...we are driving though...I am not looking forward to an 8 hour drive with the Babe...(UGHHH!!!) I am glad you are back! We need to do something again, before the month is up! Wow this is a novel...I need your email address so I can actually send something other than on blogs!!
I'm so glad that you guys had such a blast in Denver. I'm really glad that Mylie was good on her first plane trip too. I love that picture of Mylie with her new face, it's so adorable. Love it!!!
Ash-e-lie (I love how Ellie adds a third syllable to your name!) Glad you had fun! We missed you!
looks like you had fun! I love the pic's
How fun! She's so cute I can't get over it.
Ashlie! You are amazing! Thanks for the cookie info=)
Hey Ashlie, this is Amber from your old ward! Brandon and Jason Hales are putting together a men's city league softball team and they were wondering if Chris was already on a team, or if he wanted to play. It will be double headers on Thursdays and won't start until the first week of May. If you could leave a comment on my blog and let me know if he's interested, that would be great!
Your little girl is so cute and I can't believe how big she is!
I love Mylies's face! That is so funny! I'm glad you had fun!
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