Well after 3 hours of a nap the other day, I figured I had better go in and check on Mylie. This was the first time that she had kicked all her blankets off and successfully slept on her stomach. She looks sooo big.
March 26, 2008
sLeEpY BaBy...
Posted by the
8:01 AM
March 25, 2008
Happy Easter

Easter was so much fun this year!! Well everything is way more fun with kids. Saturday we went over to Grammy and Papa's for some Easter Egg Coloring and Cookie Decorating and and Egg Hunt. It was so much fun! Thank you so much Grammy and Papa for EVERYTHING!
Posted by the
9:58 AM
BiRtHdAy BoY!!!!
Yeah for me being a whole week late!!! But I just wanted to post about my wonderful husbands birthday! Chris turned 26 last week and had a BUSY day! We went to his work to have lunch with him, and then after work and school he came over to my parents to watch the pathetic cougs lose. Linds made him his favorite cake and that sweetened the loss. After Chris played soccer with his work team and then some of them came over after the game. It was a great day! He made out like a bandit with a new BBQ!!! We love you Chris! We think you are an amazing husband and daddy!
Posted by the
9:48 AM
March 18, 2008
Our Week in Denver...
Well my mom and I were asked to go to Denver for the week to babysit my two nephews while Todd and Heather went to Cali for a wedding. Mylie had such a great time with her cousins that she hasn't been around much. It was Mylie's first time flying and she did pretty good. My mom and I found our way around and had a blast! Thanks mom for all the fun we had!
Posted by the
10:46 AM
March 7, 2008
An extra place to hold things.... My Mouth!
Well nothing really significant has happened lately that was worthy of a blog. But I have taken a few cute pictures that I will share. Mylie is getting so big and loves to talk!! She is constantly eating and loves all the new foods she is getting! She loves putting things into her mouth and leaving them there while she picks up something else to play with. It is hilarious! We love her! Also I will include a couple of pictures from Cam's funeral. It was awesome!
Posted by the
9:53 AM