1. what time did you get up this morning? 7:30 the first time...9:00 for reals
2. diamonds or pearls? diamonds
3. what two things do you always have with you? Mylie & My Diaper Bag
4. what is your favorite TV show? I watch a lot these days...Grey's, Family Feud, etc..
5. what do you usually have for breakfast? Whatever I make for Chris usually
6. what is your favorite book? The most recent was the Twilight Series
7. what is your middle name? Fitch...haha
8. what food do you dislike? Seafood!!!
9. what is your favorite CD? Rascal Flatts
10. what type of car do you drive? Tahoe
11. favorite sandwich? Turkey & Avocado
12. what characteristic do you despise? Cocky!!!
13. favorite item of clothing? Jeans I actually fit into
14. if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Europe...Hawaii though to be warm....
15. what color is your bathroom? Desert Tumbleweed....
16. favorite brand of clothing? Kut from the Kloth
17. where would you retire to? I am happy here
18. what was your most memorable birthday? My 16th Surprise that ended up not being a surprise....I LOVE to be surprised...Not so much parties though19. favorite saying? Rolling all our hands together and throwing them in the air while saying "Familes are Forever..." hahaha good times
20. when is your birthday? February 15
21. are you a morning person or a night person? Night for sure
22. what is your shoe size? 7.5
23. pets? nope...Don't want them
24. what did you want to be when you were little? a Teacher....haha
25. what is your favorite candy? M&M's Peanut, Plain, & PB
26. what is your favorite flower? Rose
27. what is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Any day I get to spend time with my hubby and baby....Vacations, Birthdays, and so on
28. what church do you attend? lds church
29. what are you listening to right now? Mylie playing
30. what was the last thing you ate? Cream of Wheat
31. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink
32. how is the weather right now? Looks beautiful....but it is freezing
33. last person you spoke to on the phone? Ange34. favorite soft drink? Dr. Pepper.... Not much though
35. favorite restaurant? Outback...P.F. Changs
36. hair color? brown
37. sibling(s)? 6
38. favorite day of the year? fourth of july and christmas
39. what was your favorite toy as a child? My American Doll....I still have her and just sent her to the doll hospital to get all fixed up.
40. summer or winter? both,...Snowmobiling and Boating
41. hugs or kisses? both
42. chocolate or vanilla? Depends....Vanilla Ice Cream...Chocolate Brownies43. when was the last time you cried? Watching Elder Mann & Elder Mann perform at the MTC on video
44. what is under your bed? I don't know....Not much
45. who is the friend you have had the longest? Probably Chris... Well he is my favorite46. favorite smell? A good clean baby....
47. what are you afraid of? Accidents
48. plain, butter or salted popcorn? Butter and Salt....with a good movie
49. how many keys on your key ring? 4
50. how many years at your current job? No job....
51. favorite day of the week? Friday Night Date...and Saturday
52. how many towns/cities have you lived in? Orem, Tacoma, Olympia, Lacey, Sequim, Provo....
53. do you make friends easily? Yeah....I think so....
okay-Karlie, Laurissa, Marci, Janel, Katherine, Ange
11 months ago
Hye Ashley, we are so up for that challenge; if that's what it is. hehehe Feel free to comment if you like on ours. The more, the merrier.
Hi Ashlie. My name is Stacee Haws. I have never met you but I have met Chris. I am married to Chris's cousin, James Haws. James and Jason Haws are brothers. (You know Laurissa). Cute Blog. Check out my blog if you like. See if Chris remembers me or not. I have met his a few times.
Hye ashley, just wanted to tell ya Happy Eraly Birthday. I hope your special day will be what you wanted it to be.
are you still leaving this weekend?
Happy Birthday this week, Ashlie! I love the pics of Mylie on the post before this one. She is growing up and she is too cute! Say hello to Bro. Mann.
happy birthday, ashlie!! i hope you have fun in st. george! we'll do lunch when sometime next week :)
love ya!
What do I do? Answer the questions on my blog? I'm retarded! :)
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