Mylie is getting so big! We are excited to take her to the Doctor and find out how big she really is. She is so much fun. Her new thing is blowing bubbles and spitting. She sticks her tongue out all the time. She is so alert now and could not be more fun. She loves the lights on the tree and just stares at them. We will post more pictures of Christmas and things but here are a couple 4 month pictures.
11 months ago
that last picture of mylie is the cutest picture ever!! i love that little face :) and max sends his love! you better call me with the 4 month stats! and rumor is that you're getting a new exciting! can't wait to see it.
Oh how cute Ash she's gettin so big. Gracie sat on Santa's lap and flipped out! It was quite funny to bad it's a poloroid or I would post it. LOL..
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