So, I was changing Mylie on her changing table, which I might add she loves to lay on, because she had a little blowout. So, I was changing her clothes and she must have been feeling a bit of relief because she was so smiley. I couldn't believe it. She has smiled before, but she wouldn't stop. So we got some cute pictures...
11 months ago
Oh Goodness-she's delightful! I love these pictures. How fun to get such big smiles out of a tiny baby. Fun!!!
That is so cute Ash!! Love it!
i absolutely love the last pic! her little lips curl up in that smile and she is just darling! it's so fun that she is smiling! hopefully the weather will be good for our little outing on the 5th. we'll be at thanksgiving point! i'll call you with details. it'll be fun.
That's so cute! She's so young to smile that much! I swear Carter was like 9 months old before he smiled that much! JK, but those are cute cute cute pictures... Who did her 2 week old ones and how much did they cost?
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