Birth Story...LONG
this pregnancy has been a whirlwind!!! it started so differently then the other girls. i wasn't very sick at first, at 16 weeks we were beyond shocked that it was another girl, at 8-20ish weeks i had a lot of cramping and didn't think that was very normal, at 20 weeks is when they first noticed she was breech, at 30 weeks for my 3d ultrasound she was still breech, at 32 they thought she had flipped, at 35 weeks they ultrasounded her to see she was STILL breech, and right up until the very end...she was STILL breech! i tried EVERYTHING!!! i did acupuncture, i did chiropractic adjustments, i did all the crazy home remedies trying to get her to flip...but lets just say she was VERY comfortable!!! me on the other hand was very uncomfortable. i thought i was a wuss, but was told by my doctor that breech babies are harder to carry... i had many sleepless nights just laying awake not knowing what would happen. i always knew that a c-section was the worst case scenario and even that wasn't that bad...but it was still the unknown.
well the day finally came, my doctor Ollerton was going to be out of town the week I was to have the baby so he suggested that we induce on Sunday the 11th before he was to leave town. so the day came. we were scheduled to go in at 12:00pm and so we decided to go to church before the hospital. we just went to sacrament so we had time to get the girls to Jenn's before we headed out. so we walked into labor and delivery and were greeted by some great nurses. krista was the nurse assigned to us and she was amazing. it took them almost a full hour and a half to place the IV because my veins kept collapsing. the crna was close behind the IV's and Kevin came to place my epidural. he was kinda a dry guy but he explained everything in detail to chris while he was doing the epidural.
so after 10 minutes of getting numb, in came Dr.'s Ollerton and Aagard. they tried the version and only after 5 minutes knew she was not going to budge. there was definitely not a lack of trying because i ended up with indian burns and nail marks on my stomach of how hard they were trying. babies heart dropped a little and immediately bounced back. within minutes they handed chris his awesome suit and my awesome hair net and we were headed to the OR.
the OR was so surreal. i kept thinking to myself that this wasn't as scary as i thought and that it was so relaxed in there. krista and heather, my nurses, were singing to no doubt and it was just comfortable. Ollerton did the surgery and Aagard assisted. we just all chatted and i laughed just about the whole time. kevin, my dry CRNA, turned out to be my best friend. he just sat behind me explaining to chris and i what was happening and the layers and just every detail about the surgery. we all joked around and within a few minutes Preslie was born. She was born at 2:12pm and immediately starting crying when she came out. she weighed it at 7 lbs 9 ounces and 18.5 inches long.
chris headed over to the other side of the room to be with baby and i was there being sewn back together. kevin put his hand on my cheek as to calm my nerves a little and continued to tell me what was happening. i just wanted to see my little girl and it felt like forever before i got to see her. she was perfect... they came and put her in my arms and she immediately stopped crying and we were together. it wasn't long before i was put back together and being wheeled back to my recovery room. mom, dad, and nancy were all there waiting for my arrival. they said they could hear me laughing the whole surgery and knew everything was ok.
in recovery i was definitely in shock and couldn't stop shaking. i felt ok and was just relieved that she was here and very healthy. chris came back to the room and we waiting until they were ready to take me to my room. a lot of what happened after that is a blur because i felt crazy. they brought Preslie to me and she was all clean and i noticed she had a TON of hair and looked just like her sisters. i wasn't allowed to eat anything but clear liquids.
we had Jenn bring the girls to meet their sister, but we were very careful because mylie had a bad cough and shaylie was just getting over hers. so they wore masks and only stayed for 15 minutes. that had to be the hardest part for me was to watch mylie as she wanted so bad to be there for me because i was sick and she couldn't stay to help me. she cried. i cried. and it was so sad. i said goodbye, but didn't realized it would be 3 more days until i saw her again. grammy and papa took very good care of my girls and nursed them back to health while i was gone. we skyped, but it wasn't the same. i cried every time i hung up because they both cried when they saw me.
we had a lot of visitors the first day, but again i don't remember much. i remember that i was in pain and itching terribly. i never realized how much you do with your core muscles until they are cut into and not easy to use for a while. chris was awesome as always. he took care of me and Preslie and was there for us. my sweet friends came to see me throughout the next couple days and it was great to see people from the outside world. i go stir crazy in the hospital and this was going to be a long stay. i would walk the halls, read, watch tv, sleep, and enjoy my visitors when they came.
so back to Preslie. since she was breech the pediatrician ordered an ultrasound of her hips because he thinks the right hip is out. so we will follow up with that this week. other than that i had nothing to worry about...she is/was perfect. she didn't hardly make a sound the days we were there. the nurses would bring her to me and just say how cute she was or that she was their cuddle buddy that night. she is so sweet and rarely cries. she grunts a lot, but no cries.
she loves her binky and has since the start. she is a great eater and helped my milk to come in after only 2 days...not exciting!! we love her!!!
we were finally let out of the hospital Wednesday. i was so relieved they let me go. naomi, my 70+ year old nurse helped me on the first day 2nd day and 4th day. i loved her. i had another great nurse carolyn probably in her 50's and loved her too! i was so ready to come home. when they told me i couldn't vacuum for 4 weeks, they thought I would like the sound of that...i cried! haha i was so anxious to see my girls... they finally came about 3 hours we got home and i just sat and loved them.
whirlwind..i think so. but in the end everything is perfect and it turned out the way it was supposed to. there are so many reasons why she could have not turned and i am ok knowing that somebody else was in charge and she got here healthy and that is what matters.
we love her!!!