Well I officially have a 2 year old!!! Mylie turned 2 on Saturday and we had a little party for her. Mylie has grown up soooo much since Shaylie was born and now she is not my little baby anymore, but my big helper. Here are some fun things about Mylie at the age of 2!
*She loves to sing...Some of her favorite songs include:
-How much is that doggy
-Twinkle Twinkle
-5 Little Monkey's (Trees & Bed)
-Apple Song
-5 little Ducks
-Ants go Marching
The list could go on and on...she loves to sing.
*She can count to 12.
*She loves to play with Shaylie and is a huge help with getting diapers and wipes for me.
*She loves family...Grammy's, Papa, Aunts, Uncles, and especially cousins.
*Every night while brushing her teeth we sing the ABC's.
*She loves to eat...her favorite foods right now are noodles, cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and she loves dessert, Ice Cream, Popsicles, coco's, brownies.
*She repeats everything we say.
*She is really funny. You just never know what she is going to do or say.
*She talks really well for a two year old.
*She still hates Nursery...but she is getting a lot better.
*She says the cutest prayers.
*She is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Playhouse...She can name everyone.
*She is so sweet and polite...any time she thinks I am sad or she hurts me she runs over and with a sweet little voice says "sorry mom".
*She does silly kisses...and I love them.
*She has a little lisp...When she says Silly and Shaylie they sound the same.
*She loves to play with neighbors and friends and has quite the load of friends...
-Alec, Ty Ty, Drew Drew, Emma & Ellie, (they were so good to her even though they were older, they just moved :( ) Kaia, Cole & Max. Mostly all boys her age...and she loves it. Well she will someday!
*She LOVES her daddy....Totally a daddy's girl!
The list could go on forever...We love our little Mylie.
Happy Birthday Princess!!!