Today we decided that since the girls are here visiting, we would go to the park. We invited our friends Ellie and Crew to come with us. We had a lot of fun and Mylie LOVED going on the slides with cousin Brinley and just laughed the whole time she was on the swing! We will be frequenting the park more often this summer.
May 28, 2008
DaY aT tHe PaRk
Posted by the
3:02 PM
May 24, 2008
Road Trip....2nd Stop
Our next stop was St. Louis and we had a great time. They had the best food... Thanks to Aaron, he really knows the good places to eat. We went to Bellacino's and Culvers...YUMMY!!! Luke celebrated his 6th birthday at the bowling alley and it was so much fun! The kiddos were so cute with Mylie. They were always giving her toys and kissing her whenever they got a chance.
Kate & Mylie
Posted by the
8:34 AM
May 21, 2008
Road Trip....1st Stop
It has been a while! We have so much to post, that it may take a couple days to get it all in there. A couple of weeks ago, my parents decided that they were going to take a road trip to visit my brothers in Denver and St. Louis...well a couple days before they left, Mylie and I decided to take the trip with them. So we packed our things and left they day after Mother's Day!! So I will post everything by where we were so you can see all the fun things that we did. Thank you to Todd & Heather and Aaron & Janice for letting us stay. Also a HUGE thank you to Grammy and Papa for letting us jump in and crash their party. We had such a good time and Mylie was a GEM the whole trip.
Here are some pictures from Denver. We went to the Zoo with Mason's preschool. It was a first for Mylie and she really enjoyed it.
My's enjoying the Zoo |
Posted by the
12:38 PM
May 6, 2008
fiNaLly aNothEr PoSt
Well we have been running wild around here lately and I haven't even had a second to post. So here is just a couple of things that have been going on around here. Last weekend we went up to Ogden for Chris' best friend Gessel's Graduation!! YAY GESS!!! Then on Saturday, I worked at the Women's Expo for Quickutz and Chris took Mylie on a little Daddy Daughter date to Toy's R Us to pick out her new favorite toy. She will stand forever playing with this and just laughing.... PS...she loves standing on her heals.
Posted by the
9:58 PM