Wow!!! We had soooo much fun this Christmas and the festivities have not even stopped. We all got VERY spoiled by Santa this year and it was all so exciting! We started off with Christmas Eve with both families, but mainly the Mann's. We got to talk to one of our favorite Missionaries Corey. We had a short singing program and then opened some blankets from Grammy. I forgot my camera at Grammy's and so I was surprised EARLY with my new one from Chris...It is AMAZING!!! Then Christmas morning, daddy was so excited he woke everyone up...including Mylie and she was not a happy camper. She was wondering why we were in her room and it was still dark. We had such a great time and I actually surprised Chris because I hadn't laid out one of his main gifts because I knew he would peak... is all the loot!
December 30, 2008
Posted by the
11:26 AM
December 12, 2008
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year....
Even though I haven't even started my Christmas Shopping...We are really getting excited for Christmas! We went as a family the other night to pick out our tree and we sure found a beauty! We LOVE the smell and the Look of a real tree. We also found some great PLASTIC ornaments so I don't mind if Mylie plays with them! So here we begin the festivities of Christmas! More pictures to come throughout the month!
Posted by the
10:25 AM
November 17, 2008
Early Thanksgiving
So last Saturday was a fun filled day with family. My mom and dad are headed out of town for Thanksgiving, so we all decided that we still needed a Thanksgiving so we did it a little early. The festivities began at 12:00 when my parents opened their mission call...They are headed to Argentina in February. CONGRATS MOM & DAD!!! Then we ate a HUGE dinner with all the yummy fixins. Then Grammy & Papa got us all tickets to go to the Energy Solutions Arena and see Disney on Ice...It was so much fun. Mylie had definitely had it though, she didn't make it through much of the show but it was so much fun anyway. Savannah was a crack up...she just clapped and yelled "You can do it" the entire time. Thanks again Grammy & Papa.
Posted by the
3:28 PM
November 11, 2008
DeAtH mAgNeTiC!
For my brother Brian's birthday, all the boys got together for the METALLICA concert. They had a fun time and all looked great! They went to dinner before the concert and after went for a midnight snack at Village Inn...
Posted by the
10:49 AM
November 4, 2008
We had a great Halloween this year and thanks to Mindy...Mylie's little costume turned out sooo cute! She had more fun then I thought she would going from door to door asking for candy. But then she just wanted to eat it right then. We started by going to visit my Granny Fitch and then we were off to visit Auntie Karlie at work. After we met dad at home and went to his work to trick or treat the offices. It was a lot of fun. Then we headed to my Aunt's house to have soup and donuts and then went to Grammy Mann's. After we stopped by a couple of houses we ended then night by visiting Chris' grandparents. IT WAS A LONG DAY!!! But so worth it. Now we have so much candy that we don't know what to do with it all. We are not huge candy people. Thanks Mindy for the CUTE skirt.
Mylie found a new toy she LOVES!!! My baby has talent!
Posted by the
12:17 PM
October 29, 2008
Girl after my own heart!!
So last week the sales team at Chris' work decided to go bowling. Well when the sales team decides to go somewhere together, it usually means the Sales team and Ashlie & Mylie. So we went and we had so much fun. We went and got lunch and just watched for the first 2 games. Midway into the 3rd game, Mylie decided she didn't like to watch anymore, so Bryan and Chris let her bowl for them. She had a blast. She loved walking up there and pushing the ball down the lane. It was so cute!
Posted by the
10:51 AM
October 19, 2008
3 years!!!

Well we made it 3 years so far!!! It is funny because 3 years seems like such a whimpy amount of time, but it has been the best 3 years ever. My husband is the best...and I love him very very much!
Enough of the gush....We decided to celebrate the WHOLE weekend since it was on a Sunday! Friday night we decided to join Phil and Jamie in Park City for dinner at the Stein Erickson Lodge. It was very nice, but a little too rich for my blood. The food was great, but you almost needed to stop on the way home to actually fill yourself up.
Saturday Chris decided that we needed to spend the whole day together with Mylie and so we headed to the Hogle Zoo. I haven't been there in years and we had a blast. Mylie enjoyed watching the animals. She was enthralled the whole time with what was going on around her. We enjoyed a few hours of that and then came home. Chris set up a babysitter (Karlie) for the night so that we could just hang out and be spontaneous. So we packed Mylie's overnight bag and headed to Auntie Karlie's. Then Chris and I enjoyed some shopping, then eating at PF Changs, catching a movie, and then watching the Boston vs. TB game. It was so much fun, but we were exhausted by the end and fell asleep in the 7th inning. It was such a wonderful fun-filled day. Today we were able to sit through Church without running after Mylie. It was actually kinda nice.
Thanks babe for the huge anniversary weekend. You are the BEST!
Just before the Reception
Posted by the
2:15 PM